
Fennel Salad with Kimchi Dressing

Fresh, funky and delicious fennel salad recipe

Cooks in
Child's Play
Cooks in
Child's Play


Having a hard time being creative with your vegetable intake? Due to our daily grind, it is sometimes hard to be inspired and cook in new and creative ways. Take this salad for example; done in about 10 minutes and makes use of a non-typical salad base. Fennel is a delicious vegetable and usually being used in a warm preparation, but crispy and tasty when eaten raw.

For this recipe we make use of our newest Spicy Sauce; Kimchi Ketchup. A delicious Korean-inspired condiment that can be eaten with noodle dishes, your typical grilled cheese sandwich, but is also perfect as a salad dressing. It has exactly the right amount of acidity, sweetness, and funk from the kimchi to be the perfect partner for this fennel-based salad recipe. If you are not able to get your hands on one of these bottles, you can recreate our sauce by mixing your own (or store-bought) kimchi with a bit of vinegar, honey, and some water. I hope we were able to inspire you to be creative with your vegetable intake!

Step 1
We have to start by washing and slicing all our veggies. Slice the Fennel on the mandoline in really thin slices. If you do not have a mandoline you can use the widest side of your box grater or just cut as thin as possible with your knife. cube your cucumber, slice the radishes and scallions.

Step 2

If you are not able to get our awesome kimchi ketchup, you can blend store-bought kimchi with a tablespoon of vinegar, one teaspoon of honey, and a splash of water until you reach a consistency you think is suited as a salad dressing. 

Step 3
I wasn’t lying when I said it would be quick, because we are ready to plate right now. You can plate this salad fancy or messy. For the messy version just add all the ingredients to a mixing bowl including the dressing; mix and serve. For the more fancy way, we will add the fennel to the plate first, but make sure you leave some space along the sides of the plate. Now top with all your trimmings and pour the dressing on the side (as shown in the picture) top with some crispy seaweed and sesame seeds. Enjoy!

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere. uis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare, eros dolor interdum nulla, ut commodo diam libero vitae erat. Aenean faucibus nibh et justo cursus id rutrum lorem imperdiet. Nunc ut sem vitae risus tristique posuere.


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