
Sticky Tempeh (Sambal Goreng Tempeh)

A delicious Indonesian vegan recipe

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What is Sambal Goreng Tempeh?
Sambal Goreng Tempeh is a popular Indonesian dish that features tempeh, a traditional soy-based product that is a staple in Indonesian cuisine. Tempeh is made by fermenting soybeans, which results in a firm and slightly nutty-flavored ingredient. In this dish, tempeh is sliced, fried until golden and crispy, and then simmered in a luscious sauce made from sambal, sweet Indonesian kecap, lemon juice, ginger and other flavorful spices.

What is Sambal?
The term "sambal" refers to a spicy chili paste that is commonly used in Indonesian and Malaysian cooking. It's made by grinding together chili peppers, garlic, shallots, and other spices, resulting in a fiery and aromatic condiment that adds a kick of heat to dishes. There is an endless variety of Indonesian sambal. Sambal is a versatile ingredient that can range in spiciness and flavor intensity, making it a central element in many Indonesian recipes. You can make it yourself, or you can buy it in the asian grocery store.

How to serve Sambal Goreng Tempeh?
I like to serve it as a flavorful side dish accompanied by steamed rice or nasi goreng. You could, for example, balance the dish with a salad like an Indonesian Gado Gado. Or if you like a to combine it with a beef dish, you can make our authentic rendang recipe. If you don't have a lot of time; just cook some rice and get some store-bought pickled vegetables and prawn crackers.

Well, I'm getting hungry. Let's get cooking!

Sambal Goreng Tempeh ingredients

Step 1
Slice the tempeh as you can see in the picture above. Dice the onion in small pieces.

Step 2
Heat the vegetable oil in a pan over medium heat. Add the sliced tempeh and fry until golden and crispy on both sides. Remove the tempeh from the pan and set it aside on a paper towel-lined plate.

Fried tempeh

Step 3
In the same pan, add the sliced onion and sauté until it becomes translucent.

Step 4
Add the minced garlic and sauté for another minute until fragrant.

Step 5
Stir in your sambal (chili paste) and laos powder. Cook for 2 minutes, allowing the flavors to meld. You can adjust the level of spiciness by adding more or less chili paste according to your preference.

Step 6
Add the sweet kecap, lime leaves, grated ginger and lemon juice. Cook for another minute.

Step 7
Stir in the fried tempeh. Make sure the sauce covers all the tempeh, it becomes sticky tempeh. Cook for 2 minutes and you are done!

Step 8
Put it in a bowl and garnish with some spring onions

Selamat makan! (Enjoy your meal in Indonesian)

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